Customize the notification that appears when a product is added to the quote basket. You can control its position, appearance, and duration to ensure it fits your store’s branding and provides a smooth user experience.
1. Toast Position #
Select where you want the toast notification to appear on the screen after a product is added to the basket:
- Top Left
- Top Middle
- Top Right
- Bottom Right
- Bottom Middle
- Bottom Left
2. Notification Styles #
Personalize the toast notification’s appearance to align with your store’s design:
- Pick a color for the Background: Set the background color of the toast notification.
- Text Color: Choose the color for the text inside the notification.
- Border Color: Customize the border color around the notification.
- Toast Timer (Disappear after): Adjust how long the notification stays visible before disappearing. Set this in seconds.
- Padding: Control the space inside the toast notification to make it more spacious or compact.
- Font Size: Customize the size of the text within the toast notification.
- Border Radius: Set how rounded the edges of the notification will be (for a softer, more modern look).
These settings help you create a seamless and visually appealing experience for customers when they add products to their quote basket. Let me know if you need help adjusting these options or if you’d like to further customize your notifications!